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Introducing Runestake Slide

Slide is a social and multiplayer game where you can place your bet on one of three outcomes with a 14x potential win! Bet big on the 14x sword multiplier, play it safe with the 2x hat or bow multipliers, or hedge your bets and stake on all three!

Click here to play Slide.

How It Works:

In Slide, you place a bet on one (or several) of three options; Hat, Bow, or Swords. All wagers are separate, so if you chose to put tokens on multiple options, you'll only be paid out for the one that wins. Hat and Bow are both 2x multipliers and have an equal chance of being landed on, while Swords is a 14x multiplier with a much narrower win potential. To get an idea of each option's probability, check out the "Last 100" section to see how many times each option was landed on during the last 100 rolls.

In order to place a bet on the Slide round, you can type the amount that you wish to bet in the bet amount field.

1/2: This button will take the amount that you have typed in the bet amount field and half it.
2x: This button will take the amount that you have typed in the bet amount field and multiply it by 2
Max: This button will automatically fill the bet amount field with your entire token balance.

Once you've figured out how much you want to wager, hit "Place Bet" in whichever category you'd like to bet on. Remember, you can bet on one, two, or all three categories simultaneously.

Minimum Bet: 200k OSRS Gold / 200k RS3 Gold
Maximum Bet: 7300m OSRS Gold / 100b RS3 Gold

Provably Fair System:

Like all Runestake original games, Slide uses a provably fair system that allows users to check their bets to ensure they have not been tampered with. Check out an in-depth explanation of our provably fair system here.

Not too complicated eh? Check out Slide here!

Updated on: 07/05/2024

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